Monday, June 29, 2009

Hotel ZAZA

Just got back from Houston with the girls.  We took a tour of Memorial Herman Childrens Hospital and got checked off of a few things we needed for school.  Great Hospital with new technology to help these babies get better!!!  The night before we stayed at ZAZA and had a blast. The Girls loved it there.  We lounged out by the pool during the day and went to a great mexican restaurant that night.  The hotel even brought us to the restaurant and picked us up as if we were VIP!  It was great!  Definitely recommend it for a girls get away!  

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Last Crawfish Boil

Well it has come to that time of the year for no more crawfish!  So our neighbors got together one last time to chow down on mud bugs.  Good friends, good time, and good food.  We had quite a few left over so the girls and I had the duty of peeling the rest to freeze for etouffee at a later time.  My fingers are killing me!!!  But probably worth the work.  Well im heading off to Houston this evening for clinicals tomorrow at one of the hospitals.  So I am bringing the girls to Hotel ZAZA.  I have a feeling they are going to love it!  So check back in for the ZAZA blog!  

Saturday, June 20, 2009


I had the great pleasure to photography the sweetest little girl the other day, Reese.  Reese's grandparents have been friends of our family for about 30 years.  They are magnificent and truly a loving family!  I can not wait to see this little angel grow up over the years!

Friday, June 19, 2009

My cousin Amy came into town a few weeks ago!  She just had her first baby!  Bailey is a cutie!  I was so excited to see Amy.  Amy was born about 2 months after me and my twin( Jennifer), so we grew up together!  She moved away to the East Coast and her husband is in the Navy!  So any chance I can see her is exciting.  Amy I wish you all the luck and health with you and your new family!  Can not wait til the next time I get to see you.  Mabye by then I'll have a baby bump! HAHA  Good luck guys!

New Orleans

Jarod and I deserved some time away, so we took a trip to New Orleans!  When I told my parents where we were going they were all up for the trip as well!  So the four of us loaded up in the honda and just 4 hours later we were there!  The weather was perfect, not to hot during the day, and cool during the night.  The city was perfect!  It had a very sweet smell and not to crouded with tourists!  Here are some of my favs of the trip!

First Time Blogger!!!!

Hey Everyone!

Welcome to my blog!  I am so excited to let my clients, friends, and family know what I have been up to.  As most of you know I just started my website, which I just happen to love.  Its great for my clients to have full access anytime they need to see their photos.  School is going great as well. For those who do not know I am in the Respiratory Therapy Program at LIT and will graduate in the spring of 2010! Woo Hoo!  As for my personal life my awesome husband, Jarod, and I are trying to have a baby as well! All is good in this time in our lives!  So check out the blog every now and then to see what exciting things are going on in our lives and in my photography work as well!