Sunday, August 9, 2009

Kaylea & Jennifer

Kaylea and I worked together at the Endocrine Clinic of SETX. She is an amazing person. Completely brilliant, sweet, and hilarious. I photographed her and her fiance Gus before, but this time I got to meet her sister Jennifer. Jennifer is from LSU and they needed some pictures for their parents before she went back to school. My sister was along for the photo-shoot so I had 2 Jens there. ( It got a little confusing..HAHA) Girls yall are absolutely beautiful and I cant wait to see you again!

My Instructor

This is Regina, one of the respiratory therapy instructors at St. Elizabeths. She is a great instructor with a wonderful personality! I was so happy to get the chance to photograph her and her kids. Actually she is having her fourth child this week, so good luck Regina and I cant wait to take pictures of your little bundle of Joy!


For those who don't know me that well I have a twin sister, Jennifer. Yes we are identical but our personalities are a little different. She is an English teacher at Groves Middle School and she will also be coaching Basketball and Track. Good luck Jen I will be there to cheer you on. She was on a photo-shoot with me the other day so we took a few snap shots of her and Khloe. Love you Sis!

Beckett Family

I have already photographed this family for a 75th birthday party and they asked me to come back and take some more pictures of a family get together. They are so great, I feel like a part of their family. I just cant wait to take more pictures!

Its been a while...Sorry

Time is just flying by this year. I have been super busy lately with school and photo-shoots! Sorry I have not been updating my blog with my most recent clients, but I have 17 days off so I am going to get caught. And hopefully get some nice relaxation time before the fall semester starts!